GOBLET AGM 2015, Cape Town

Date: November 18, 2015 – November 20, 2015

Venue: University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa

South Africa, Nov 2015

South Africa, Nov 2015

GOBLET’s 2015 Annual General Meeting (AGM) was held from 18-20 November at the President Hotel, Cape Town (ZA). The AGM brought together members and other experts in bioinformatics education and training (E&T), to discuss both the state of the art in bioinformatics E&T and GOBLET’s future priorities and work-plan.

GOBLET Workshop
Alongside the AGM, a satellite workshop was held during 16-17 November at the University of Cape Town Medical School, including train-the-trainer and teaching best-practices sessions.


AGM agenda and presentations

Wednesday 18 November, 2015

09:00 Welcome & logistics – Nicola Mulder
09:15 GOBLET AGM Matters – Terri Attwood
– GOBLET constituency (roll call of members)
– Approval of minutes of last AGM
– Matters arising & amendments to agenda
– Financial Report – Fran Lewitter
Executive Report – Terri Attwood 
– Policy amendments
– Bylaws and proposed amendments
– AGM 2016 proposals
– Discussion

10:30 Coffee break

11:00 GOBLET Committee Reports
Learning, Education & Training Committee – Nicky Mulder, Celia van Gelder
           – Standards Committee – Pascale Gaudet
Outreach & PR Committee – Erik Bongcam-Rudloff
Fundraising Committee – Patricia Palagi
Technical Committee – Manuel Corpas
– Discussion

12:30 Lunch break

13:30 GOBLET Business – Fran Lewitter
– Staffing of GOBLET
.  Review of current staff hires
.  Does GOBLET need a financial hire?
– Membership Retention & Attraction
.  What is best strategy to retain members?
.  What is best strategy to solicit new members?
14:00 The GOBLET BrandTerri Attwood, Vicky Schneider
– What is a GOBLET course, what is a GOBLET material?
– What are the criteria?
– What are the standards?
– Discussion
A new logo? – Terri Attwood

15:30 Coffee Break

16:00 Acquiring new funding for GOBLETPatricia Palagi
–  Presentation of funding package
–  Roll-out of package
–  Sources of global funding
– Discussion

18:30 Dinner at Hotel


Thursday 19 November, 2015

Session 1: E-learning Strategy
09:00 E-learning/trainer-support platforms – Celia van Gelder & Nicky Mulder
– Existing efforts:
. EMBL-EBI train online – Sarah
. H3Africa – Vicky/Nicky
. GOBLET, TeSS, BD2K… – Terri
. Slovenia report – Patricia
– Discussion on Slovenia white paper
– Discussion on what GOBLET platform should contain, audience, etc.

10:30 Coffee Break

11:00 Defining the added value of GOBLETs e-learning activities
GOBLET branding of contentTerri
– How to develop e-learning content or e-learning strategy
– Brainstorming session on the training portal
– Plan and action items to implementation

12:30 Lunch break

Session 2: GOBLET Portal Future Planning
13:30 GOBLET Portal
Statistics on current usage Manuel & Carlos
– User perspectives: pro & cons of portal – Michelle Brazas
– Brainstorming portal improvements – Manuel & Michelle

15:00 Coffee Break

15:30 GOBLET Portal – Manuel & Carlos
Brainstorming portal improvements
– Action plan for executing portals improvements
– SASI Presentation – Manuel Corpas
17:30 End of session

19:00 Dinner at Ocean Blue, Camps Bay

Friday 20 November 20, 2015

Session 3: Workshop Feedback and Follow-up
09:00 Train-the-Trainer workshop – Gabriella Rustici
09.30 Core Competencies sessionCath Brooksbank
10.00 Trainer recognition session – Pedro Fernandes

10:30 Coffee break

11:00 Action Plan for upcoming year – Executive
12.15 Closing & Wrap-up – Nicky Mulder

12:30 Catered Lunch & Departure



Here is the full meeting report from the GOBLET AGM 2015.