Trainer Resources

Using competencies as a framework for course content development can help ensure your content is relevant for the skills needed in the field. Below is a collection of bioinformatics competencies and how they can be used for building a course:

  1. ISCB competencies V1, V2, V3
  2. ISCB competency progress reports: First Report, Second Report
  3. NIBLSE competencies – A publication to serve as a guide for institutions as they work to integrate bioinformatics into their life sciences curricula
  4. BioExcel competencies mapped to courses:
  1. UK National Occupation Standard for Bioinformatics –  Drilled down for bioinformatics, the UK National Occupational Standards (NOS) are statements of the standards of performance individuals must achieve when carrying out functions in the workplace, together with specifications of the underpinning knowledge and understanding
  2. UK Level 7 Apprenticeship standard for bioinformatics scientists (includes assessment endpoints)
  3. CourseSource Bioinformatics Learning Framework – A publication describing a learning framework for a bioinformatics course that is part of the CourseSource initiative
  4. Engineers Australia Stage 1 Competencies – Describes the expectation of the development of the engineer who on graduation satisfied the Stage 1 Competency Standard for Professional Engineer in Australia.
  5. A clinical bioinformatics competency framework to support Health Education England to prepare clinical practitioners for the application of genomics in the healthcare service
  6. ISCB Education COSI Youtube collection, especially Youtube video – Implementing a competency-based training strategy for biomolecular researchers with high computational needs

The Bioinformatics Training community has embraced the idea of ‘FAIR’ for training materials in order to widen their quality, accessibility and reach. Below we have linked to resources on metadata best practices to enable you to FAIRify your training materials.

  1. Bioschemas related information:
  2. ELIXIR FAIR Training Working Group
  3. Ontologies in the field
  4. How to build GitHub pages/wikis/websites for courses/training materials [COMING SOON]

Just as important as good training materials is a well organised training event. Below GOBLET has compiled a list of templates and best practices to help.

A training organiser/facilitator is responsible for the smooth running of a training event from conception to completion. Depending on the format and design of your training event, this may include, but is not limited to: programme development, budget organisation, travel logistics, marketing and advertising, applicant registration, venue booking and event management. Here is a collection of relevant templates to repurpose and use during workshop organisation:

  1. Workshop schedule template
  2. Workshop call template
  3. Workshop timeline guidelines
  4. Workshop logistics guidelines
  5. Airline Booking template
  6. Bid to Host a Workshop and Budget template
  7. Applicant selection templates
  1. Marketing & event management [COMING SOON]


A code of conduct is a set of rules outlining the normal practices, responsibilities and expectations of course organisers, trainers and trainees. Ensuring that all parties have an understanding of the code of conduct allows the creation of an inclusive, safe and respectful learning environment for everybody.

  1. Code of conduct examples
  2. Guidelines for facilitating a course [COMING SOON]

Just as important as good training materials is a well delivered training event. As a trainer, you are responsible for delivering the course. You are likely to have been involved in the programme development, decisions around workshop format as well as the creation of course materials. There are a range of workshop formats and teaching styles that have been successfully employed in a number of different environments. Below GOBLET has compiled a collection of relevant examples, templates and best practices to help you when preparing to deliver training:

  1. Information about styles of classrooms
  2. Best practices document
  3. Strategies for Group Discussion
  4. Effective Group Discussion
  5. Technologies for facilitating in the classroom
  6. Template for creating hands-on practicals including how to include code in your material
  7. How to use the cloud, VMs and containers in bioinformatics training

ERuDIte Resources related to cloud training

Knowing how to appropriately assess trainees can be challenging. Resources below are intended to shed some light on this.

  1. Assessment methods
  2. Formal assessment
    • Pre and post course assessment [COMING SOON]

UK Apprenticeship standards for Bioinformatics Scientist Degree with accompanying End-point Assessment Plan

Evaluating the quality and impact of a course can assist in improving and/or strengthening future training.

  1. Minimum information standard:
  2. How to gather training statistics, audience demographics, and quality of service metrics in the short term (i.e. administered directly after training):
    • Recommend that you are consistent in the data elements that you collect for all of your training events / courses. This will help with enabling comparable evaluations of  different training courses /events and ease the review of training evaluation statistics reporting.
    • Consider what demographics or key information are needed to collect from trainees in order to produce training statistics and audience demographics
    • It may be worthwhile extending evaluations of training against any other similar trainings a trainee may have attended
    • How to avoid bias when evaluating training:
  3. Training Impact in the long term (i.e. administered 6 months to 1 or 2 years after training, in 6 month intervals)
  4. Handling data from assessment forms [COMING SOON]
    • Classification
    • How to handle comments/suggestions
    • How to use feedback data to improve future iterations of a course/new course development

Endorsement is intended to provide a process by which one can have a well-established body like ISCB certify that the course meets the standards for an education program in the domain of computational biology and bioinformatics.

There are in general, 2 main types of COURSES that could be endorsed:

  1. Bioinformatics short-course (TRAINING course of hours to one or two weeks in length)
  2. Bioinformatics degree course (ACADEMIC course of two weeks to a term in length)

WHY one want to endorse and affiliate a short-course:

  • Public and international recognition of the course as being evaluated and positively associated with the ISCB
  • Course providers gain additional exposure of their training to a highly relevant audience worldwide
  • ISCB members gain access to a carefully selected catalogue of courses, and discounted rates to some courses
  • ISCB is able to provide additional member benefits, making it more attractive to potential new members. This, in turn, benefits the broader computational biology community

WHY one want to endorse and accredit a degree course:

  • Public and international recognition of the course as being evaluated and positively associated with the ISCB
  • Course providers gain additional exposure of their training to a highly relevant audience worldwide
  • ISCB student members can have a clear worldwide collection of educational institutions and universities that provide good quality courses on Bioinformatics
  1. Guide for ISCB Endorsement & Affiliation of a short-course – [COMING SOON]
  2. Guide for ISCB Endorsement & Accreditation of a degree course – Draft Template and Draft Process

When teaching bioinformatics at high school level, one should consider the curriculum and the language that is being used as this might be useful in deciding the content and level of standard.

  1. Existing High School Teaching Materials
  2. Relevant papers and materials on bioinformatics in the high school classroom

Science education policies in the European Commission: towards responsible citizenship – With the priority given to connect science to society under the EU projects umbrella, this article presents key aspects and objectives of “responsible” science education in Europe.

  1. Big Data Biomedicine and Education – rationale for doing bioinformatics training
  2. Envisioning the Future of ‘Big Data’ Biomedicine – The National Institute of Health (NIH) ‘Big Data to Knowledge’ programme (BD2K)
  3. Selection of the 10 rules papers
  4. Report on surveys about bioinformatics training needs
  5. International training partnerships – An International collaboration between BD2K’s TCC, ELIXIR’s TeSS, bioCADDIE, GOBLET, EMBL-ABR and H3ABioNet to promote biomedical data science.
  6. Forums / networks for training discussion
  7. A good Example of a Biomedical Data Science Webinar Series

If you are looking for a resource that you cannot find here, or if you would like to suggest a resource, please contact us at

The GOBLET Trainer Resource Portal has been pulled together over time by the following individuals:

Education Summit, Capetown 2019

  • Kim Gurwitz, University of Cambridge
  • Michelle Brazas, Ontario Institute for Cancer Research
  • Annette McGrath, CSIRO
  • Sarah Morgan, EBI
  • Victoria Nembaware
  • Peter van Huesden
  • Lyndon Zass
  • Caleb Kipkurui
  • Faisal Fadlemola
  • Rolanda Julius
  • Mamana Mbiyavanga
  • Cath Brooksbank, EBI
  • Judit Kumuthini
  • Vera Matser
  • Jasper van Horn
  • Ben Moore, EMBL-EBI

Education Summit, Hinxton 2020

  • Michelle Brazas, Ontario Institute for Cancer Research
  • Ben Moore, EMBL-EBI
  • Annette McGrath, CSIRO
  • Maria Bernardi, EBI
  • Dusanka Nikolic, WGC Advanced Courses, Hinxton Cambridge
  • Fatma Guerfali
  • Javier De Las Riva
  • Paballo Abel Chauke
  • Sarah Morgan, EBI
  • Nicky Mulder
  • Shaun Aron, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa