Explore Publications in bioinformatics training, standards, best practices and more from GOBLET.

Best practices in bioinformatics training for life scientists

Allegra Via, Thomas Blicher, Erik Bongcam-Rudloff, Michelle D. Brazas, Cath Brooksbank, Aidan Budd, Javier De Las Rivas, Jacqueline Dreyer, Pedro L. Fernandes, Celia van Gelder, Joachim Jacob, Rafael C. Jimenez, Jane Loveland, Federico Moran, Nicola Mulder, Tommi Nyronen, Kristian Rother, Maria Victoria Schneider, Teresa K. Attwood


DOI: 10.1093/bib/bbt043

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Bioinformatics Training Network (BTN): a community resource for bioinformatics trainers

Maria V. Schneider, Peter Walter, Marie-Claude Blatter, James Watson, Michelle D. Brazas, Kristian Rother, Aidan Budd, Allegra Via, Celia W. G. van Gelder, Joachim Jacob, Pedro Fernandes, Tommi H. Nyro«nen, Javier De Las Rivas, Thomas Blicher, Rafael C. Jimenez, Jane Loveland, Jennifer McDowall, Phil Jones, Brendan W. Vaughan, Rodrigo Lopez, Teresa K. Attwood and Catherine Brooksbank


DOI: 10.1093/bib/bbr064

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