Becoming a member

GOBLET is a global foundation that encompasses diverse Bioinformatics, Biocomputing, Biocuration and Computational Biology (B3CB) communities. One of its main missions is to promote links and cooperation amongst trainers and trainees in these inter-related disciplines across the world.

Established in 2012, the foundation accepts applications from:

  • organisations wishing to become part of GOBLET (Organisational members);
  • individuals wishing to become involved in GOBLET's activities (Individual members).


Details of all membership benefits are summarised in the following table:

Individual Organisational
Contributor Student Group Leader Bronze Silver Gold Platinum
FREE €15 €50 €250 €500 €1,000 €2,500
Upload and share your training materials
Networking opportunities via mailing lists & meetings
Opportunities to join/lead task-forces and join committees involved in setting standards for bioinformatics training
Opportunities to co-author peer reviewed publications
Publicity for training activities via website
Right to vote in elections
Eligible to run for committee chair position (e.g. setting standards, ect. for bioinformatics training)
Eligible to run for an Executive position, and if elected, subsidized AGM attendance
Annual fee waived for organising an AGM
Publicity for organisation (logo; highlight contributions) via website
Addition of secondary participant from organization; only 1 vote per organization
Addition of tertiary participant from organization; only 1 vote per organization; subsidised AGM attendance for one person per organization