Membership fees

Membership fees are due annually, payable at the beginning of the year. Two categories of membership are currently open to individuals:

  • Students
  • PIs/Group Leaders/Postdocs

Four categories of membership are currently open to organisations:

  • Bronze
  • Silver
  • Gold
  • Platinum

Details of prices and how to join are given in the Table below. Please note that we are able to offer a discount to individual members or organisational/institutional members residing in low- and middle-income countries, based on the World Bank classification. Please contact for details. In addition, if you would like to register for multiple years, the cost is the number of years times the one year membership rate for your level of membership. You can do this online by entering the number of years for which you wish to join in the Qty (Quantity) field in the Shopping cart. You can also request a invoice by contacting

We offer the option to pay online as a convenience. The preferred method of payment, however, is direct transfer of funds as this method incurs few, if any, additional fees. Please contact for bank account information.

On joining GOBLET as a Contributor or Member, you will become part of the global bioinformatics, biocuration, biocomputing and computational biology training community, with access to a network experienced in developing successful courses and training materials.

Renewing membership

You will be emailed a month before your membership ends, if you wish to renew your membership at either the same level or a different level, make you way to the membership application page and select the level of membership you want to renew and proceed to the shopping cart.