Bringing Bioinformatics to the Biology Class – STAO Conference 2018 Workshop

Date: October 8, 2018 – October 8, 2019

Venue: Ontario Institute for Cancer Research, Ontario, Canada

STAO Conference 2018, GOBLET high-school teacher workshop, Nov 201

STAO Conference 2018, GOBLET high-school teacher workshop, Nov 2018

GOBLET’s 2018 Annual General Meeting was held at the Ontario Institute for Cancer Research (OICR) in Toronto (CA), from 6-8 November. The business meeting & satellite events were followed by a hands-on workshop for high-school teachers, as part of the Science Teachers’ Association of Ontario (STAO) 2018 Conference, held at the Marriott Toronto Airport & Conference Centre.


Thursday 8 November, 2018

10:35 Transit to STAO Conference
11:30 Registration & set-up of laptops, STAO Conference meeting room
12:30 Outreach event: Bringing bioinformatics to the biology class
Introduction & overview of resources available to high school teachersMichelle Brazas
Microbiome: bioinformatics & healthMichelle Brazas
hands-on practicalMichelle, Ann, Charlotte, Eija, Terri
Murder at the airportCharlotte Zwetsloot
13:20 Open forum with high school teachers
13:30 Adjourn workshop

13:35 Lunch near STAO

14:30 Transportation to OICR