GOBLET AGM 2016, Brisbane

Date: November 7, 2016 – November 9, 2016

Venue: Australian Bioinformatics And Computational Biology Society, Brisbane, Australia

Australia, Nov 2016

Australia, Nov 2016

GOBLET’s 2016 Annual General Meeting (AGM) was hosted by the Australian Bioinformatics And Computational Biology Society (ABACBS), from 7-9 November at the Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane (AU). The AGM brought together members and a number of observers to reflect on GOBLET’s progress since its inception, to hone its vision and mission, and to shape its priorities and objectives for the coming year.

AGM agenda and presentations

Monday 7 November, 2016

09:00 Welcome & logistics – Annette McGrath
09:15 GOBLET AGM Matters – Terri Attwood
– GOBLET constituency (roll call of members)
– members present, represented by proxy, absent
– members & observers present without voting rights
– Approval of minutes of last AGM
– Matters arising & amendments to agenda
– Financial Report – Fran Lewitter (via Zoom)
– Discussion

10:30 Coffee break

11.00 GOBLET Executive & Committee Reports – Terri Attwood
Executive ReportTerri Attwood
Technical CommitteeCarlos Horro
– Fund-raising Committee – Patricia Palagi (via Zoom)
– Learning, Education & Training Committee – Celia van Gelder (via Zoom)
– Standards Committee – Pascale Gaudet (via Zoom)
– Discussion of reports
– Revisit GOBLET Mission & Vision
– Setting goals for 2017

12:30 Lunch break

13:30 Election results & Transition Plan – Terri Attwood
– Venue, Possible Dates, Budget Proposal
– Vote by GOBLET members
14.00 GOBLET’s Mission & Vision – Terri Attwood
16.00 Adjourn – free time in Brisbane

18.30 Dinner


Tuesday 8 November, 2016

Session 1: Galvanise GOBLET – Terri & Vicky
09:30 Moving GOBLET forward – Fran (via Zoom)
– Galvanising the Committees

10:30 Coffee Break

11:00 Galvanising session continued
– Discussion

12:30 Lunch break

Session 2: Prioritisation for Portal – Vicky & Michelle
13:30 New features & functionalities
– Requests from 2015 AGM

15:00 Coffee Break

15:30 How to achieve portal progress
– Hiring a technical intern
– Discussion
17:30 End of session

18:30 Dinner


Wednesday 9 November, 2016

Session 3: GOBLET’s relationships – Terri & Annette
09:00 What are GOBLET’s agreements, affiliations, alliances?
– Should and with whom should GOBLET be establishing new relationships?
– ISCB, Software Carpentry, CODATA-RDA, CHARME, ELIXIR-TeSS, EMBnet
– GOBLET membership: organisations + individual members

10:30 Coffee break

11:00 Action Plan for upcoming year – Terri & Michelle
Closing & Wrap-up – Annette McGrath

12:30 Catered Lunch & Departure


The full meeting report from the 2016 GOBLET AGM is here.


GOBLET Workshops



The AGM was preceded by the ABACBS annual conference (1-2 November) and two well-attended workshops: a GOBLET-ABACBS workshop on best practices in bioinformatics training and a GOBLET-ELIXIR Train-the-Trainer workshop (3-4 November).

GOBLET-ELIXIR Train-the-Trainer Workshops

GOBLET-ELIXIR Train-the-Trainer Workshops

The AGM was also followed by a fully-subscribed ABACBS/GOBLET RNA-seq data analysis course run by Eija Korpelainen (10 November), hosted at Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane. EMBL-ABR then hosted a repeat of this course (14-15 November) at the VLSCI, University of Melbourne.

ABACBS/GOBLET RNA-seq data analysis course

ABACBS/GOBLET RNA-seq data analysis course