STAO 2014 – High School Science Teacher session by GOBLET

Date: November 14, 2014 – November 15, 2014

Venue: Toronto, Canada

This is a hands-on session held at the Science Teachers Association of Ontario (STAO) 2014 conference. Instructors include Dr. Fran Lewitter, Founding Director of Bioinformatics and Research Computing at Whitehead Institute; Drs. Marie-Claude Blatter and Patricia Palagi, from Training and Outreach at the Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics; Dr. Celia van Gelder, Education Project Leader at the Netherlands Bioinformatics Centre and Dr. Michelle Brazas, Outreach Education Manager at the Ontario Institute for Cancer Research.

The workshop includes bioinformatics activities that can be used in your classroom to help students learn biological principles. Activities include common web tools used in bioinformatics like BLAST, OMIM and PDB. We use a case example that compares the DNA sequence of a family pedigree to determine if a newborn has inherited their parent’s disease (e.g. Type I Diabetes).