SEB/GOBLET Bioinformatics Workshop

Date: July 4, 2014 – July 4, 2014

Venue: The University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom

United Kingdom, July 2014

United Kingdom, July 2014

This short workshop aimed to provide delegates with an opportunity to talk about the ‘bioinformatics problems’ they encounter, whether in choosing the right databases, statistical analysis packages, and so on, and to suggest approaches to training that might help to improve their confidence (e.g., via focused workshops, online learning, formal university courses, etc.). The workshop also aimed to raise awareness of GOBLET and its training portal, via which biologists may identify distance-learning resources, workshops, courses, summer schools and other training events around the globe to suit their needs. Ultimately, the goal was to build on the results both of the survey conducted early in 2013 with SEB members and with the recently completed wider survey of GOBLET communities, which sought to understand the type and level of bioinformatics training that biologists need to facilitate their work.

09:00   Overview of the day

09:05   Introduction – Sarah Blackford
09:20   Session 1: Introduction to Bioinformatics surveysAngela Davies
SEB survey results (main trends)
GOBLET survey results (main trends)
09:40   Discussion
Review of bioinformatics needs and skill gaps of biologists
Training delivery (content & method)
10:10   Reportage

10:30   Coffee Break

11:00   Session 2: Introduction to GOBLETTerri Attwood
What GOBLET is & does
How it can help
11:20   Discussion
What can GOBLET do for you?
12:00   Reportage
12:20   Summary

12.30   Close


A draft of the workshop report is now available.