Date: November 6, 2013 – November 6, 2013

Venue: The Genome Analysis Centre (TGAC), Norwich, United Kingdom

United Kingdom, Nov 2013

United Kingdom, Nov 2013

The last year has been a busy time, during which the legal framework and financial foundations have been created within and upon which GOBLET must thrive. The time is now opportune to build on those foundations, to move GOBLET forward and establish it on the international stage.

The aims of this meeting are therefore: i) to review progress during the last year, especially since the ISCB-GOBLET meeting in Berlin; ii) to congratulate and welcome the newly elected Committee Chairs and Executive Board members; and iii) to brainstorm the immediate priorities for GOBLET, so that the new executives are better placed – stealing a quote from Michelle Brazas – to help “GOBLET mature into a trusted, centralised place for bioinformatics learning that does not duplicate other sites, and that becomes sustainable and a recognised partner by all in bioinformatics education” and training.

Owing to space constraints, participation in this meeting is by invitation only.

09.00 Meeting opens 

Welcome & introduction; roll-call, executive update & review of actions – Terri Attwood
09.20 Financial update – Celia van Gelder
09.25 PR & Communication TF update – Celia van Gelder
09.30 Fund-rasing TF update – Patricia Palagi
09.35 Train the Trainers TF update – Cath Brooksbank
09.40 Technical TF update – Manuel Corpas
09.55 Election results – Terri Attwood
10.30  Coffee break
Group activity 1 Vicky Schneider
11.00 Defining GOBLET’s priorities
12.45  Lunch break
Group activity 2 Vicky Schneider
13.30 Reviewing the global training landscape
Group activity 3 Celia van Gelder
14.30 Reaching out to the rest of the world
15.30  Tea break
16.00 Review of outcomes & priorities from group activities (alignment with Committees)  – Vicky/Terri
16.20 Next GOBLET AGM/staying in touch – Terri Attwood
16.40 AOB
Sharing structured event data – Francis Rowland
Knowledge Transfer Programme & KTP brochure – Terri Attwood
17.00 New Chair closes meeting

A draft of the meeting report and an Executive Summary are now available; and thanks are due to Francis Rowland, whose diligently prepared sketch note elegantly encapsulates the event.

