Date: July 19, 2013 – July 19, 2013

Venue: Mohrenstrasse 30, Berlin, Germany

Germany, July 2013

The next GOBLET meeting is to be held at the Berlin Hilton, in the Salon Heine II, on July 19, 2013, hosted by the ISCB, alongside the events of ISMB/ECCB 2013 (don’t forget to visit our poster in the Education Track). This meeting aims to finalise some of the business of the kick-off meeting, which was held in the Netherlands last November – priorities will be to finalise the fee/benefit structure for organisational and individual members, and to agree nomination/election processes for members of the Executive Board and Committee Chairs. During the afternoon, we are extremely pleased to be able to welcome four speakers, who will stimulate us to think about how the GOBLET community could embrace a range of new education and training initiatives.

Owing to space constraints, participation in this meeting is by invitation only.

09.00 Meeting opens 
Welcome, executive update  & review of actions from kick-off meeting – Terri Attwood (EMBnet)
Task-force updates: 
09.20  Education & training task-force, & PR – Rapporteur Vicky Schneider (TGAC)
09.30  Fund-raising task-force – Rapporteur Patricia Palagi (SIB)
09.40 Technical task-force – Rapporteur Manuel Corpas (Itico)
Discussion session 1 
10.00 Fee/benefit structure for organisational & individual/student members

11.00-11.30 Coffee

Discussion session 2
11.30 Nomination & election processes for Executives and Committee Chairs

13.00-14.00 Lunch

14.00 Curriculum guidelines for bioinformatics & computational biology – Lonnie Welch (ISCB)
14.25 Multidisciplinary multi-institutional PhDs – Ana Conesa
14.50 ELIXIR: safeguarding the results of life science research in Europe – Niklas Blomberg (ELIXIR)
15.15 ISCB Student Council Intern Initiative – Anupama Jigisha (ISCBSC)
15.40 Wrap up – Terri Attwood (EMBnet)

16.00 Meeting closes, with coffee and refreshments in the foyer


The meeting report is now available.