SolBio International Conference 2016

SolBio International Conference 2016 on “Bioinformatics and Computational Biology for Innovative Genomics”
April 22 – 26, 2016. Riviera Maya (MEXICO)

This is an international conference organized by SoIBio, with the support of the International Society for Computational Biology (ISCB), the Laboratorio Internacional de Investigación sobre el Genoma Humano (LIIGH, UNAM) and the Centro de Ciencias Genómicas (CCG, UNAM), that wants to bring together the scientific and technological studies of many groups and institutions from IberoAmerica (including 22 countries) working in the field of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology. This year the meeting will be focused on the application and use of biocomputational tools and methods to studies on Genomics and Genome Sciences. The development of the omic era in biological sciences has introduced current scientific research into many genome-wide or genome-driven studies that are producing lots of complex large scale data. This new era of Big Data in Biology and Biomedicine can only be addressed with a parallel development and application of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology for the processing and management of such complex data. The need to improve and promote this research in Latin America is really deep and this international meeting organized by SoIBio will be a great opportunity to do it. The conference will be held in the Riviera Maya (Mexico) from 22 to 26 of April 2016.

OPEN CALL for the pre-submission of PAPERS to “BMC Genomics” to any people that may be interested in participating in SolBio International Conference 2016 on “Bioinformatics and Computational Biology for Innovative Genomics”.
DEADLINE: 31 – JANUARY – 2016.
ALL submissions of Papers, Oral Presentations or Posters should be done via EASYCHAIR:
1.- Create an account in EASYCHAIR ( and look for the event SoIBio ICW 2016
2.- Go to EASYCHAIR Submission page:

Please, you may submit a PAPER to this CALL.
Please, send this information to any people of your INSTITUTION that may be interested in this CALL.