GOBLET AGM2020 – slides and videos available!

The GOBLET Annual General Meeting (AGM) was hosted by CSC 14.-16.9.2020. Going fully virtual for the first time worked well, and the AGM gathered over 40 registered participants (GOBLET members and observers) from 25 different countries and 6 continents. The 2019/2020 GOBLET Executive report was presented by GOBLET Chair Celia van Gelder, followed by seven GOBLET activity reports. GOBLET members and observers gave 14 interesting flash talks with topics ranging from making training materials FAIR and on-line training challenges, to international training developments in Asia, US, Australia and Africa. Other sessions included Bioschemas and training, an area where ELIXIR and GOBLET are actively collaborating. Finally, the members planned activities for the coming year. These include four workshops, working on high school bioinformatics materials, a series of working sessions on implementing the 10 rules for making training materials FAIR, and co-organizing the Education Summit 2021.

The slides are available for download and the presentation videos are available as a playlist on GOBLET’s YouTube channel.

Session 1: GOBLET Activity Reports

  • GOBLET Executive report 2019/2020  (Celia van Gelder, DTL, Netherlands)
  • Upcoming GOBLET Workshops (Eija Korpelainen, CSC, Finland)
  • Developing and using bioinformatics Practical Guides for high schools
    • Creating standardised teaching resources (Terri Attwood, UK)
    • Bringing bioinformatics into the classroom (Marie-Claude Blatter, SIB, Switzerland)
    • Bioinformatics for biologists (Stevie Bain, the 4273pi project, University of Edinburgh, UK)
  • 2020 Bioinformatics Education Summit report (Sarah Morgan, EBI, UK, Nicky Mulder, H3ABioNet, South Africa)
  • Public relations & Outreach (Asif Khan, Perdana University, Malaysia)
  • Collaborations with other organisations (Javier de las Rivas, CiC-CSIC/USAL, Spain)

Session 2: Flash talks by GOBLET members and observers

  • Ten simple rules to make training materials FAIR (Patricia Palagi, SIB, Switzerland)
  • Delivering hands-on training for Machine Learning on omics data through Galaxy (Fotis Psomopoulos, INAB, CERTH, Greece)
  • Advanced Studies Institutes in computational biology (Amitava Roy, NIH, US)
  • African Centers of Excellence in Bioinformatics (Amitava Roy, NIH, US)
  • The use of the Remo Conference platform as a Workshop medium – experiences from BCC2020 (Gareth Price, QFAB, Australia)
  • Professionalising data stewardship: competences, training and education (Celia van Gelder, DTL, Netherlands)
  • Bioinformatics educational activity update from ISCB (Michelle Brazas, OICR, Canada)
  • Experience with Bioinformatics Postgraduate Taught Programme (Wai Keat Yam, PU, Malaysia)
  • Training provision challenges under pandemic conditions (Pedro Fernandes, IGC, Portugal)
  • Experiences with online training (Eija Korpelainen, CSC, Finland)
  • Lessons learned when moving SIB Training courses from in-person to online – anything in bioinformatics can be taught online, but not anyhow (Patricia Palagi, SIB, Switzerland)
  • Virtual Biohackathon, home-learning.online (Victoria Dominguez Del Angel, ELIXIR-FR, IFB, France)
  • COST Action ML4Microbiome: Statistical and machine learning techniques in human microbiome studies – an opportunity for collaboration on training (Domenica D’Elia, EMBnet/GOBLET, Italy)
  • Capacity building for bioinformatics in Latin America (Patricia Carvajal, Cibnor, Mexico, EBI,UK)

Session 3: Bioschemas and Training

  • Bioschemas Training Group (Michelle Brazas, OICR, Canada, Leyla Garcia, ZB MED, Germany, Patricia Palagi, SIB, Switzerland)