GOBLET AGM 14-16 September 2020 – Agenda and Registration

Dear GOBLET members,

We hope this mail finds you well and that you, your families and your organisations are coping well with the pandemic that has hit us all and changed our daily life and work routines. With this email, we want to invite you to join us for our Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2020. As communicated earlier, instead of going to Helsinki, we are going virtual. We have split the programme, with the formal AGM taking place from 14-16 September, while the planned four (4) GOBLET workshops will follow in the Fall (see further below).

Virtual AGM2020

The virtual AGM will take place on 14-16 September 2020. We will use the Zoom platform and the time slot is from 12:00-16:00 CEST on each of the AGM days; this way, we hope to be able to accommodate most of the different time zones of GOBLET members. The draft AGM agenda is available here, while the registration page can be found here. Please indicate which days you will be able to attend. We hope to see many of you there!

Please note the following:

  • Participation is not limited to one person per member organisation. One of the advantages of a virtual AGM is that it is logistically and financially easier to attend compared to a F2F event. We hope that you will pass this invitation to other people in your organisation, and we are looking forward to welcoming them to the AGM too.
  • If you are interested in making a pitch to organize the AGM2021, please contact the GOBLET Exec at info@mygoblet.org (deadline: Sept 4, 2020). The proposal can be for a F2F, virtual or hybrid event.
  • If you would like to give a flash talk (5-10 mins.) about your activities related to training, please let us know via info@mygoblet.org (deadline: Sept 4, 2020).
  • If you have any suggestions for topics that need a longer time slot, please do not hesitate to contact us at info@mygoblet.org. The schedule is still in flux and we plan to accommodate as much as possible to the needs and wishes of the members.
  • Organisational members have received another mail recently from the Treasurer related to their GOBLET membership 2020. It is very important that you inform us about your renewal before the AGM since you will only be able to attend and vote on proposals if you are a member. Individual members from 2019 will get a personal email from the Treasurer about their renewal for 2020. It is very important that you inform us about your renewal before the AGM since you will only be able to attend and vote on proposals if you are a member.
  • If you know specific organizations or individuals, who want to attend the AGM as an observer, please let us know.

GOBLET Workshops

The following virtual workshops are planned for the Fall of 2020, we will inform you as soon as the registrations open:

  • Mastery Rubric for bioinformatics (22.09.2020)
  • Bringing bioinformatics to high schools (date TBA)
  • Train-the-Trainer (in collaboration with ELIXIR, date TBA)
  • Single cell RNA-seq data analysis (in collaboration with ELIXIR, date TBA).

We are looking forward to meeting you virtually at the GOBLET AGM2020!

Best regards,

Eija Korpelainen and Celia van Gelder

On behalf of the GOBLET Executive Board

P.S. If you are interested in getting a flavor of what GOBLET has been up to, please take a look at the presentation that was used for the GOBLET booth at ISMB2020 (https://tinyurl.com/GOBLETpresentation2020).