GOBLET Annual General Meeting, October 14, 2022 (hybrid) – Programme & Registration Form

Dear GOBLET members,

It is with great pleasure that we want to invite you to the Annual General Meeting of GOBLET that will take place on Friday October 14, 2022 as part of the CoBLET2022event (https://coblet2022.bezmialem.edu.tr). We hope and expect that many of you have submitted abstracts for talks and workshops for the CoBLET event!

You can find the registration form here: https://coblet2022.bezmialem.edu.tr/registration


The AGM will take place on Friday, October 14 from 13:00 – 19:00 TRT (GMT +3). It will be in hybrid mode and we hope to see as many of you as possible in person in Istanbul! Please let us know if you have any questions related to travel & accommodation. The registration form for the GOBLET AGM can be found here: https://tinyurl.com/GOBLETAGM2022

We will publish the full AGM agenda soon but the topics we want to discuss with you are:

  • Executive Board reports (activities, PR, financial)

  • Topical discussions about the activities, including both what we have done and what we want to do the coming year (high school-related activities, guides, trainer resources page, Education Summit, collaboration with ISCB, GOBLET website, membership model, etc.). We also invite you to submit your proposal for discussion topics directly to the Executive Board members via info@mygoblet.org

  • A discussion with you as members about the governance structure of GOBLET. We will need changes to keep GOBLET alive and kicking. We need you there for the discussion and to step in with your time and expertise in the coming years.

  • Last but not least, we also are looking for a host for the AGM2023. Please let us know if your organization is interested, in which case we can send further details about the nomination procedure.

Best regards

Celia van Gelder, on behalf of the GOBLET Executive Board