GOBLET & EMBnet AGM 2021, 11-15 October – GOBLET’s 10th-anniversary celebration – Invitation to join and present your work

Dear GOBLET and EMBnet Members,

We would like to invite you to join us for our Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2021.

This year is GOBLET’s 10th anniversary, and EMBnet is glad to be the host of the AGM in this special year. To celebrate this occasion, a series of events have been planned in collaboration with the ELIXIR Italian Node, the Department of Computer Science of the Bari University, and the COST Action ML4Microbiome (CA18131).

The actual AGM is planned to be run jointly with EMBnet and will take place from 11-13 October, followed by:

  • October 14th: ML4Microbiome Symposium “Grand Challenges of Data-Intensive Science in microbiome & metagenome data analysis and training”. For more information, click here.
  • October 15th: three parallel events:
    1. First Hackathon on “Developing (FAIR) training materials for a lesson on how to develop (FAIR) training materials” – Organised by ELIXIR (Allegra Via and Patricia Palagi).

      This hackathon is organized In the context of the ELIXIR-GOBLET partnership and the ELIXIR Train-the-Trainer project. It aims at developing a lesson and related materials on how to develop FAIR training materials. This hackathon has the following objectives:
      • Equip participants with general practices for training materials design and delivery
      • Review the “Ten rules for making training materials FAIR”
      • Identify teaching objectives and learning outcomes for the lesson
      • Put together a scaffold of the lesson and associated materials
      At the European BioHackathon in November, we will finalise the lesson by developing the actual content, including practical activities and exercises, and assessments.
    2. ML4Microbiome Workshop “Statistical and machine learning techniques for microbiome data analysis” (Organised by Eliana Ibhraimi & Domenica D’Elia). For more information, click here.

    3. EMBnet Tutorial “Organising online bioinformatics courses using EMBnet Education & Training material: 4 level courses” (Organised by the EMBnet Education & Training Project Committee).

  • The COVID-19 pandemic has led to a move from classroom-based education to online education. Many teachers had to adapt their existing course lectures and tutorials to online materials, many times without dedicated help from pedagogical experts. 
  • During this EMBnet tutorial, we will present some examples of courses in bioinformatics given under different conditions in different parts of the world. 
  • We will together discuss issues encountered when organising and performing online teaching and we will share experiences and solutions. The goal of this workshop is to empower the participants with the necessary knowledge and resources to be able to organise an online introductory course of one week or a longer one-month advanced course. We will use Moodle as a tool and learn how to use some of the modules created by members of the EMBnet’s “Online Educational” Task Force.

Registration is open and free of charge, but mandatory for organisational reasons. Please complete the form, available here. Please indicate which days you will be able to attend. We hope to see many of you there!

Virtual AGM2021

We will use the Zoom platform and the time period is from 12-16pm CEST on each of the AGM days (11-13 October); this way, we hope to be able to accommodate most of the different time zones of GOBLET & EMBnet members.

Provisional programme [See FINAL PROGRAMME attached] :

11-12 October 2021

  • Activity reports from GOBLET & EMBnet on specific initiatives and working groups (October 11th)
  • Presentations by members (October 12th)

13 October 2021

Internal GOBLET and EMBnet meetings

Please note the following:

  • If you would like to give a flash talk (5-10 mins.) about your activities related to training, please let us know via info@mygoblet.org (deadline: Sept 30, 2021).
  • If you have any suggestions for topics that need a longer time slot, please do not hesitate to contact us. The schedule is still in flux and we plan to accommodate as much as possible to the needs and wishes of the members.
  • Participation is not limited to one person per member organisation. One of the advantages of a virtual AGM is that it is logistically and financially easier to attend compared to a F2F event. We hope that you will pass this invitation to other people in your organisation, and we are looking forward to welcoming them to the AGM too.
  • If you are interested in making a pitch to organize the AGM2022, please contact the GOBLET Exec at info@mygoblet.org for GOBLET AGM 2022, and EMBnet Exec at embnet-emb-eb@lists.uu.se for the EMBnet AGM 2022 (deadline: Oct 4, 2021).  The proposal can be for a F2F, virtual or hybrid event.

We are looking forward to meeting you virtually at the GOBLET & EMBnet AGM2021!

Best regards,

Domenica D’Elia and Celia van Gelder

On behalf of the GOBLET Executive Board

P.S. If you are interested in getting a flavour of what GOBLET has been up to, please take a look at the presentation that was used for the GOBLET booth at ISMB2021 GOBLET – The Global Organisation for Bioinformatics Learning, Education & Training.