Final Programme for GOBLET / EMBnet AGM2021, registration is still possible!

Dear colleagues,

We are approaching our virtual AGM2021 and hope to see many of you there next week!

If you want to join us for (parts of) the AGM, you can still register.

We will use the Zoom platform for our AGM sessions and the link will be provided closer to the date.

It is our pleasure to share with you today the final programme of the 5 days:

  • October 11-13 (12:00-16:00 CEST): GOBLET/EMBnet AGM.
    • Note: Day 1 & 2 are open for all; Day 3 is only for GOBLET members.
  • October 14, ML4Microbiome Symposium “Grand Challenges of Data-Intensive Science in Microbiome & Metagenome Data Analysis and Training”
  • October 15, 3 parallel workshops:
    1. ML4Microbiome Workshop – Statistical and Machine Learning Techniques for Microbiome Data Analysis
    2. ELIXIR First Hackathon on “Developing (FAIR) training materials for a lesson on how to develop (FAIR) training materials
    3. EMBnet workshop – Organising online bioinformatics courses using EMBnet Education & Training material: 4 level courses

You can find the detailed programme attached here, and it is also available on the GOBLET Website.

See you all next week!

Domenica and Celia,
on behalf of the GOBLET Executive Board