Update from GOBLET Executive Board

Dear GOBLET members,

During the GOBLET AGM 2019, which was hosted by the Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Network (APBioNet) and YARSI University in Jakarta, Indonesia, the new GOBLET Executive Board was elected. All six (6) nominated GOBLET members (Domenica, Eija, Asif, Annette, Javier and Celia) were elected and are ready to help drive GOBLET forward in the coming years. We thank all GOBLET members for their vote and trust in our leadership.

The first thing we discussed was to establish the roles of the Chair, Secretary and Treasurer of GOBLET as key members of the Executive Board. Later, we discussed the idea of integrating the other three (3) members of the Executive Board with a specific position and role in the new Board, in order to have a unified and well coordinated action plan. We are happy to announce the following new positions:
Executive Board of GOBLET (elected in 2019):

  • Celia van Gelder: Chair of the Board
  • Domenica D’Elia: Secretary
  • Eija Korpelainen: Treasurer
  • Javier De Las Rivas: Executive Coordinator of LET (Learning, Education & Training) activities
  • Annette McGrath: Executive Coordinator of MEF (Membership & Funding) activities
  • Mohammad Asif Khan: Executive Coordinator of PRO (Public Relations & Outreach) activities

We thank the former Executive Board for all their efforts, and we are happy to announce that both Terri Attwood and Michelle Brazas will stay on-board in an advisory role. Terri will take on the formal role of Past President. Their support is highly valued. 

Former Committee Members of GOBLET will be contacted soon by each one of the Executive Coordinators and we would be very glad if they would be willing to continue their contributions in the different activities. Additionally, we will invite all GOBLET members to partake in the activities of the various coordinators and contribute where possible. We seek active participation from all GOBLET members!

The AGM 2019 in Jakarta was a milestone as the first in Asia, the Minutes of which are now open for feedback and suggestions. We request members who were present at the AGM to include any relevant information that may have been missed.

The first concrete activity for 2020 that we are working on is the next AGM, which will be organised by Eija Korpelainen in Helsinki, Finland. The planned date for the AGM is week 38: 14-18 September 2020. Please contact Eija immediately if this date is not suitable for you (eija.korpelainen@csc.fi). There will be several workshops in conjunction with the AGM: Bringing bioinformatics to high schools, Train-the-Trainer, and Single cell RNA-seq data analysis. The latter two are organised in collaboration with ELIXIR and they are targeted for people wanting to become trainers on scRNA-seq. 

Finally, we hope and expect that you contact us via info@mygoblet.org with all your questions, ideas and suggestions. 

We are looking forward to work with all of you!

Best regards, 
The GOBLET Exec – Domenica, Eija, Asif, Annette, Javier and Celia