Candidate Statements – GOBLET Elections 2019

Here are the candidate statements from our candidates running in the GOBLET 2019 Elections.

The 2019 GOBLET Elections are fast approaching, and we wanted to update you on some important changes.

The Exec and Operational Boards have recently been discussing the possible adoption of a streamlined governance structure, eliminating the current 2-layer system, and reverting instead to a single tier, comprising 6 Officers: Chair, Secretary and Treasurer, plus Officers with responsibilities to lead on LET activities, Membership-Fundraising and PR-Outreach (to help with their roles, these Officers would be at liberty to galvanise their own task-forces).

We believe that the proposed new operational structure will render GOBLET’s management more agile and will make communication within the organisation more efficient; importantly, it will also reduce the burden of meetings and reporting that currently falls to the existing Officers. The proposal will be discussed during the AGM 2019 in Jakarta, where it will be put to the GOBLET Constituency for endorsement.

Decisions made by the Constituency are accepted by a majority of votes cast (each member being entitled to 1 vote), if at least 60% of organisational members are present (or represented) at the meeting. If you cannot attend the AGM 2019 in Jakarta, it is therefore important that you designate your proxy to another eligible member in attendance or to the Executive Board.

Directly after this discussion (and vote), we will seek to elect 6 candidates for the 6 available positions (candidate statements posted here). The successful candidates will be assigned to specific roles during their first Executive meeting.

To help GOBLET move forward, we strongly recommend adoption of the proposed new operational structure, and election of the new Officers.