GOBLET AGM 2019 – Registration now open

We are pleased to announce that registration is now open for the 2019 GOBLET AGM in Jakarta, Indonesia, hosted at the Universitas YARSI, 9-11 September 2019.

The event will be co-located with the International Conference on Bioinformatics (InCoB) 2019, Genomic Medicine Conference (GMC) 2019 and Southeast Asia Pharmacogenomics Research Network (SEAPharm Meeting) 2019. This will be the first joint activity between GOBLET and InCoB.

Registration for the GOBLET AGM allows free participation in the InCoB Opening Ceremony and joint workshop (participation in other InCoB 2019 activities will require full-registration – https://incob2019.org/). The workshop, “Detecting differentially expressed genes with RNA-seq” will be run by Eija Korpelainen; Eija will also give the GOBLET keynote during the Opening Ceremony.

Please register here for the AGM: https://genomicyarsi.id/goblet-agm-2019/#1557978759956-88d69a70-159f.

Registration deadline: 30 August 2019.

Further information, including the agenda and travel logistics, can be found on the AGM website:

If you can’t attend, please contact the Executive Board (info@mygoblet.org) to designate your proxy. If you don’t wish a specific individual to hold your proxy, you may designate the Executive Board to act on your behalf.

We look forward to seeing you there!