Train the Trainer Mini Workshop: From knowledge, skills and abilities to learning paths – developing mastery rubrics for training

Date: November 24, 2017 – November 24, 2017

Venue: Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência, Oeiras, Portugal

This short workshop will run as a satellite event to the GOBLET 2017 AGM:

Title: From knowledge, skills and abilities to learning paths: developing mastery rubrics for training
Faculty: Allegra Via, Terri Attwood and Rochelle Tractenberg

Workshop Agenda

Description: During this workshop, we will present recent work to construct a mastery rubric for bioinformatics, and will describe how such a tool may be utilised in the development of training courses and learning assessment. We will begin by discussing knowledge, skills and abilities in bioinformatics, focusing on how we can map the performance of such “competencies” to career stages and learning paths. We will demonstrate how the outcome of such mapping – a mastery rubric – becomes a tool that can be then used by trainers to develop training solutions and assess learners’ progression. Participants will have the opportunity to practice how to develop a mastery rubric that they can later apply in their work.

How to attend the Train-the-Trainer Workshop:
To attend this mini-workshop, please write an e-mail with a simple expression of interest, addressed to the local organiser ( with the subject “TtT workshop” until 2017/10/30. We have up 20 seats available. Confirmations will be issued by return e-mail.