GOBLET AGM 2017, Oeiras

Date: November 22, 2017 – November 24, 2017

Venue: Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência, Oeiras, Portugal

Portugal, Nov 2017

Portugal, Nov 2017

GOBLET’s 2017 Annual General Meeting was held at the Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência, Oeiras (PT), from 22-24 November. The meeting was preceded by an e-learning workshop, in cooperation with ELIXIR on November 21 and followed by a Train-the-Trainer Mini workshop on the afternoon of November 24.

The full meeting report is here.

AGM Agenda

Wednesday November 22, 2017

09:00 Welcome & logistics – Pedro Fernandes
09:15 GOBLET AGM Matters – Terri Attwood

  • GOBLET constituency (roll call of members)
    • Members present, represented by proxy, absent
    • Members & observers present without voting rights
  • Approval of minutes of 2016 AGM
  • Matters arising & amendments to agenda
  • Financial Report – Celia van Gelder
  • Discussion

10:30 Coffee Break

11:00 GOBLET Committee Reports

  • Executive Report – Terri Attwood
  • Summary of Committee Reports (received in advance)
  • Discussion of Reports
  • Revisit GOBLET Mission & Vision
  • Setting goals for 2018

12:30 Catered Lunch

13:30 GOBLET Matters – Terri Attwood

  • Election of Committee Chairs
  • GOBLET AGM 2018 – Proposers
    • Venue, Possible dates, Budget proposal
    • Vote by GOBLET members
  • AOB

16:00 Adjourn

18:30 Dinner


Thursday November 23, 2017

09:00 Session #1 – Defining Standards for Training Materials

  • GOBLET minimal training material descriptors – Sonika
  • Overview of Bioschemas & its importance – Niall
  • Hands-on: Specification activity for training events

10:30 Coffee Break

11:00 Session #1 – Defining Standards for Training Materials

  • Hands-on: Specification activity for training materials
  • Discussion: How to ensure GOBLET compliance

12:30 Catered Lunch

13:30 Session #2: Draft Publication on Bioschemas Activity

  • Hands-on session to draft publication on Bioschemas activity – Niall + All

15:00 Coffee Break

15:30 Session #2: Draft Publication on Bioschemas Activity

  • Continued hands-on

18:30 Dinner


Friday November 24, 2017

09:00 Session #3 – Currency & Advancement in Trainer Skills

  • Up-skilling: GitHub hands-on session – Ann Meyer

10:30 Coffee Break

11:00 Session #3 – Currency & Advancement in Trainer Skills

  • Up-skilling: Docker hands-on session – TBC

12:00 Final GOBLET Matters

  • Action Plan for upcoming year – Executive
  • Closing & Wrap-up

12:30 Catered Lunch & Departure