GOBLET AGM 2016, Brisbane

The 2016 GOBLET AGM (http://www.abacbs.org/goblet_agm/) will be held 7-9 November in Brisbane (AU). This year’s event will be held in conjunction with the 2nd annual conference of the Australian Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Society (ABACBS – pronounced ab-a-cus) and associated events at the Queensland University of Technology: see http://www.abacbs.org/conference/. GOBLET workshops will be held between the ABACBS conference and the AGM, from 3-4 November. If you plan to attend the meeting, please contact Annette McGrath (annette.mcgrath@csiro.au).

The full programme and reports are now available (http://www.mygoblet.org/about-us/goblet-events/goblet-agm-2016-brisbane).