GOBLET AGM 2014 & STAO Conference

Date: November 14, 2014 – November 16, 2014

Venue: Ontario Institute for Cancer Research, Toronto, Canada

Canada, Nov 2014

The Global Organisation for Bioinformatics Learning, Education & Training (GOBLET) held its Annual General Meeting at the Ontario Institute for Cancer Research (OICR) in Toronto, Canada 14-16 November 2014.

Hosted by Bioinformatics.ca and the OICR, with funding from CIHR, this meeting provided a forum to promote links and cooperation amongst trainers and trainees, and to reach out especially to High School teachers.

For more information about the Annual General Meeting, please visit: https://events.oicr.on.ca/goblet-2014-annual-general-meeting


Thursday November 13, 2014

Arrival & checkin at Courtyard by Marriott Downtown

19:00 Networking Dinner


Friday November 14, 2014

08:00 Breakfast, OICR

09:00 Welcome & logistics – Michelle Brazas
09:15 Review of GOBLET activities since elections
Executive Report – Terri Attwood
Financial Report – Fran Lewitter
Discussion – All
10:00 Coffee break
10:30 Review of GOBLET activities since elections
Operational Chair Reports
Learning, Education & Training Committee – Nicky Mulder & Celia van Gelder
Outreach & PR Committee – Erik Bongcam-Rudloff
Fundraising Committee – Patricia Palagi
Technical Committee – Manuel Corpas
12:30 Lunch break
13:15 Hack-a-thon: Technical Training for Everyone – Manuel Corpas & Rafael Jimenez
14:15 Transit to STAO Conference
15:00 Registration & set-up of laptops, STAO Conference
15:45 Outreach Event: Bringing Bioinformatics Activities to the High School Audience, STAO Conference
Overview of resources available to high school teachers – Fran Lewitter & Celia van Gelder
Bringing Bioinformatics to the Biology ClassroomMarie-Claude Blatter
16:45 Open forum with high school teachers
17:00 Transportation to OICR

18:30 Networking Dinner


Saturday November 15, 2014

8:00 Breakfast, OICR

9:00 Session #1: State of Field in Global Bioinformatics Education
Training needs surveys: results & conclusions – Terri Attwood
Mapping out global bioinformatics needs & resources in light of GOBLET survey – All
Brainstorming session on how to address global gaps in needs & resources – All

10:30 Coffee break

11:00 Plan & action items to implementation
Sketch of state of the field paper: needs, resources & what GOBLET can do about it – All

12:30 Lunch break

13:30 Session #2: Standards in Bioinformatics Training Material
Standards Committee – Pascale Gaudet
Action plan for implementing proposal/modified proposal
Group discussion on proposal presentation – All

15:00 Coffee Break

15:30 Brainstorming session on proposals for standards
Plan & action items to implementation – All
18:30pm Networking Dinner & CN Tower



Sunday November 16, 2014
8:00 Breakfast, OICR
9:00 Session #3: GOBLET Hack-a-thons
Technical Hack – Advanced Users
Working group on advanced use training – Rafael Jimenez
PR & Fundraising Hacks
Working group to get necessary PR materials drafted
Working group to find international financial sources & contacts
Working group to draft reuseable text for grants – Patricia Palagi

10:30 Coffee break

12:00 Wrap-up & Concluding Remarks – Francis Ouellette, Terri Attwood

12:30 Lunch & Departure

Optional: Niagara Falls road trip


Here is the full meeting report from the GOBLET AGM 2014.
